We offer a range of imaginative educational services and work collaboratively with our clients to achieve optimal performance goals.
Programmatic Support - Sterling Heritage guides managers and executives develop strategic visions for their organizations followed by the application of combined resources for general awareness, such as guidebooks, videos, and executive orientation sessions, with the targeted use of formal training sessions and Action Workshops. The result is a successful, cost-effective education campaign tailored to the needs of an organization’s workforce.
Classroom Training and Instruction - Sterling Heritage provides classroom instruction that consists of both theory and practical case study curricula. Our personnel share their expansive theoretical knowledge and operational expertise with client workforces. Sterling Heritage has successfully provided instructors to several organizations and agencies including the Defense Acquisition University (DAU), NASA, DoD, and the Air Force.
Training Support - Sterling Heritage coordinates the delivery of courses by tracking student enrollments and completions, ensuring materials are available for the students, and aiding instructor needs for classroom support and logistics. Our personnel develop objectives that allow students to relate classroom content to practical application including facilitating observation of real-world application.
ADDIE Model - A Framework for Training Products and Solutions – In building efficient and effective training products and solutions, Sterling Heritage, instills the framework known as the ADDIE model. Our personnel lead and provide support for each of the five phases of the framework: